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BSAA Membershi​p

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Become a Member of the Babydoll Sheep Association of Australia Inc

The BSAA welcomes breeders, members and Babydoll enthusiasts alike. You don't have to own Babydolls to join and it's a great way to learn more about our woolly, little friends.


Membership is available as Single, comprising one vote, or Family, comprising two votes and our Membership year is from July 1st until June 30th. We do have pro-rata memberships from January 1st, which are further explained on the Membership Form. 


Membership of the BSAA includes:

  • A Membership Kit comprising information regarding the registration process with the ASSBA, back issues of Babydoll Banter and a promotional brochure about the Association to which you can add your stud.
  • A listing on the BSAA Members' Page
  • Access to the BSAA Members' Facebook page
  • Free advertising of your Babydoll sheep on this website 
  • Involvement in selected topic discussions via Zoom with other BSAA members when sessions are held
  • The opportunity to nominate for the BSAA Committee.
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